• 2023


    We establish several key international projects, and Bluetab Spain evolves into Bluetab EMEA. The implementation of Generative AI in our solutions sets a new horizon of possibilities and challenges that we tackle with a team of over 1500 professionals specialized in Data, Cloud & AI worldwide.

  • 2022


    We have reached a new milestone: We have crossed the barrier of 1000 employees globally. We continue to grow, yet we do not abandon our work philosophy, and as a result, we have been recognized as a Great Place To Work across all our offices in LATAM, and we have received the Iberdrola Award for Supplier of the Year in Digitalization and New Technologies.

  • 2021


    Bluetab is bluer than ever. Bluetab joins IBM as an independent company. Bluetab an IBM company.

    IBM acquires Bluetab to enhance its data solutions cloud migration services. New and exciting stage. Together we want to become leaders in data & analytics in all the regions in which we operate.

  • 2020


    Covid-19 makes it even more important to continue improving our operations, with more enthusiasm and more strength than ever.

    We learn to be more united whilst being physically apart and this allows us to continue breaking barriers and meeting objectives.

  • 2018


    We open Bluetab Colombia, the newest member of the Bluetab America family. 

    Our client diversification continues in Banco Santander, BANKINTER, etc.

    Mission accomplished! We have diversified and multiplied by three with the same philosophy that has brought us here! Beers are consumed.

  • 2017


    We decide to develop a data governance software tool, based on our years of work and experience in the field. Truedat is born.

    Our American journey begins. We start working in the USA. 

    By close of 2017, there are more than 200 bluetabers around the world.

    Our growth plan is beginning to take shape. We begin projects with new and prestigious customers including Orange, Naturgy, La Liga, SOLVIA.

  • 2016


    We launch an ambitious plan to multiply the size of the company by three in three years. The challenge is to grow our client base without diluting the culture that has enabled us to get to where we are today.

    They call us crazy…

  • 2015


    The family grows on the other side of the Atlantic. Bluetab Peru opens. Banco Continental (BBVA) selects Bluetab for the development of its informational platform.

    Data management is becoming an ever more important discipline in the marketplace and we begin to expand our portfolio.

  • 2014


    Big Data becomes the base discipline of Bluetab.

    We get our first outdoor table with a personalized parasol at the Bancomer Center.

    A bittersweet event: the first bluetaber leaves to join one of our customers. It’s a feeling of loss on the one hand but duty accomplished on the other.

  • 2012


    The BBVA informational platform opens the doors of Mexico to us. We start working in the historic headquarters of  BANCOMER in Mexico City. This is the beginning of what is now Bluetab America.

    More than 50 trips, many sleepless nights and jet-lagged weeks later, we learn to operate as a company in another country.

    We begin working with BBVA Corporate and Investment Banking on the evolution of their informational platform. The beginning of a relationship of trust that today remains as strong as ever.

  • 2010


    Our commitment to add value in the world of data allows us to grow in spite of the economic crisis.

    We pull up the carpet and break through into the adjoining office in Alberto Alcocer in Madrid to accommodate our growth.

  • 2008


    The economic crisis drives us to reinvent ourselves. We begin our journey as “The Data Solutions Company”.

    We start working for BBVA on its informational platform. We develop our first BICC team (Business Intelligence Competence Center).

    The longest project in Bluetab’s history so far begins: a commissions dispute resolutions platform for Vodafone Spain.

  • 2006


    Tom Uhart and José Luis López, two entrepreneurs, perceive the technological change that is coming and found Bluetab Solutions in the UK and Spain to provide data solutions.
    During the year Vodafone and Fon, both from the Telco sector become our first customers.
    At the first Christmas dinner all the team fit around one table.

In 2006, we saw the opportunity to do what some of the major consulting firms were doing, but with smaller, more specialized teams,
with more knowledge, in shorter times and with better results. That is how Bluetab was born.
In 2021 IBM acquires Bluetab as a key piece in its strategy to promote migration to the cloud
of data solutions and bring more value to your customers.



We operate a flat structure and an open-door policy where people are accessible and encouraged to help each other.


We value knowledge. We develop in-depth understanding of our areas of focus.


We believe in continuous improvement and are constantly seeking ways to be more efficient.


We are not generalists. We don't claim to know about everything but we do understand data.

We care about people

We take care of people and treat them as individuals.


Attitude + aptitude = professional growth. We promote talent.

We value the technician

Our technical career path has been designed by and for technicians and offers continuous learning and deepening of technical skills and experience.


We value a job well done the first time.

We don't like shortcuts, we don't like botch jobs. What is badly done is expensive.

We deliver.

We believe in continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment.

Small teams of experienced people.

We face complex problems with expert teams of experienced people who tackle the hardest parts of a problem first. We relish a complex challenge.