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    Al cumplimentar el formulario das tu consentimiento para el tratamiento de los datos que nos facilitas de forma voluntaria, libre e informada con la finalidad de resolver tus consultas, así como informarte sobre los servicios en los que hayas mostrado interés. No cederemos tus datos a terceros, salvo autorización expresa u obligación legal. Tampoco están previstas transferencias internacionales a terceros países. Podrás ejercer los derechos con relación a tus datos o retirar el consentimiento de acuerdo a lo que se prevé en la Política de Privacidad que corresponda. Para más información al respecto, consultar la Política de Privacidad.

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    We have created a company culture that attracts the best data experts. We value knowledge, experience and a job well done. But above all, we value a positive attitude and a desire to take on complex challenges.


    We are constantly learning. We believe in the value of experience in technology. We strive to use the best tools and the best methodologies. We believe in meritocracy. We are driven by passion and nonconformity.


    Our structure is flat and open. We believe teams with know-how and experience are better than large teams. We promote the autonomy and development of people.


    We care about people. Nobody is just a number in Bluetab. We value our diversity which enriches us. We work with mixed teams, technical experts and business specialists, to build the best solutions and to solve complex problems.